"Eric van Lustbader - Sunset Warrior 1 - The Sunset Warrior" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lustbader Eric van)to me of what
troubles you.' His hands came together again. 'You will leave here and go and talk to Nirren' - his voice had acquired a hard edge - 'your friend. Ha! He is a Chondrin, Estrille's Chondrin, and what is his first concern? You are without affiliation - you have no Saardin to order you or protect you. He is without feelings, that one. He pretends friendship, for information. That is after all one of his functions.' Ronin put down his cup. Another time he might have been angry with Stahlig. But, he thought, he truly likes me, watches out for me, he does not realize - yet I must remember that he fears many things, some justly, others not. He is wrong about Nirren. 'No one knows better than I the deviousness of Chondrin,' he said. 'You know this. If Nirren seeks information from me, he is welcome to it.' 'Ach!' Stahlig's fingers flailed the air. 'You are not a political animal.' Ronin laughed. 'True,' he said. 'Oh, how very true.' The Medicine Man frowned. 'I do not believe you realize the precariousness of the situation. Politics is what rules the Freehold. There has been much friction among the Saardin recently, and it becomes worse daily. There are elements within the Freehold - very powerful believe, want a war.' Ronin shrugged. 'I could think of worse things happening.' He sipped his wine. 'At least the boredom will be relieved.' Stahlig was shocked. 'You do not mean that, I know you better. Perhaps you think you will be unaffected.' 'Perhaps I will be.' Stahlig shook his head slowly, sadly. 'You talk without thinking because there is little for you to do. But you know as well as I that none shall remain unscathed by an internal war. Within this confined space such a foolhardy action can only have disastrous consequences.' 'Yet I am uninvolved.' 'You are without a Saardin, yes. But you are a Bladesman, and when the time comes you cannot be uninvolved.' There was a small silence. Within it, Ronin took another swallow of wine. He said, finally: 'I shall tell you what occurred today.' Stahlig listened to Ronin through half-closed eyes, his blunt thumbs again idly tapping his upper lip. He could have been falling asleep. |