"Richard A." - читать интересную книгу автора (Lupoff Richard A)

cyborging. Njord Freyr, born in the Laddino Imperium of Earth, had
retained his masculinity even as he had undergone the customary
implantations, excisions and modifications of pubescent cyborging.
Sri Gomati, of Khmeric Gondwanaland, had similarly retained her female
primary characteristics in function and conformation even though she
opted for the substitution of metallic labia and clitoris, which
replacement Njord Freyr found at times irritating.
But Shoten, Shoten Binayakya, fitted with multiply-configurable
remained enigmatic, ambiguous as to his or her own origin: Earth-born,
claiming so, yet giving allegiance neither to the Laddino Imperium
governed by Yamm Kerit ben Chibcha as did Njord Freyr nor to Khmeric
Gondwanaland, ruled by Nrisimha, the Little Lion, where lay the loyalty
Sri Gomati.
"So," Njord grated. "So, the great planet thus announces its presence."
grimaced as automatic materials reclamation servos skittered futilely
seeking recoverable proteoids from the aborted congress.
Sri Gomati, enigmatic silvered cyber-optics glittering, turned to face
disgruntled Njord, the ambiguous Shoten. "Can you see it yet?" she
"Can you get a visual fix?"
Shoten Binayakya reached a cyberclaw, tapped a visual extensor control.
Biotic brains keyed to obey any crew member activated the extensor,
it toward one glittering optic. The shimmering field crept aside; input
receptacles opened, ready for the insertion of fiber-optic conductors.
A click, silence.

Yamm Kerit ben Chibcha's coronation was splendid. Never before had the
South Polar Jerusalem seen such pomp, such display of pageantry and
Thousands of slaves, naked and gilded and draped in jewelry and
paraded up the wide boulevard before the Imperial Palace. They drew, by
ropes of woven gold and weizmannium, glittering juggernauts. Fountains
sprayed scented wine. Chamberlains threw fistfuls of xanthic shekels to
cheering crowds.
The climax of the spectacle was the march of the anthrocyberphants,
resplendent mutated elephants whose cerebellums had been surgically
removed at birth and replaced with spheres of human brain material
cultured from clone-cells donated (involuntarily in some cases) by the
greatest scientists, scholars and intellectuals in Yamm Kerit ben
Chibcha's realm. When the anthrocyberphants were well grown and into