"Holly Lisle - World Gates 02 - Wreck of Heaven" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lisle Holly)CHAPTER 9 MOLLY WATCHED LAUREN walk into the dark, cold fire of… CHAPTER 10 BAANRAAK, resting comfortably outside the entrance to his cave, enjoying… CHAPTER 11 LAUREN FACED OFF against the black-robed figure, bazooka on her… CHAPTER 12 AS BAANRAAK HAD PREDICTED, Rr’garn didn’t see him coming, and… CHAPTER 13 SOMETHING HAD BEEN watching her, but Molly couldn’t feel it… CHAPTER 14 BAANRAAK KNEW his little Vodi hid behind the door. He… LAUREN AND JAKE fell through the mirror into the stone… CHAPTER 16 file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Lisle,%20Holly%20-%20[Wo...20Gates%2002]%20-%20Wreck%20of%20Heaven%20(v1).htm (2 of 256)23-7-2007 19:25:39 file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Lisle,%20Holly%20-%20[World%20Gates%...0-%20[World%20Gates%2002]%20-%20Wreck%20of%20Heaven%20(v1).htm BAANRAAK MADE a neat escape, managing to avoid any confrontation… CHAPTER 17 LAUREN, finishing the next gate, discovered that Jake had already… CHAPTER 18 HOT CHOCOLATE FINISHED and conversation basically done, Lauren and Seolar… CHAPTER 19 LAUREN HUGGED JAKE CLOSE, then released him and sent him… |