"Holly Lisle - World Gates 01 - Memory of Fire" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lisle Holly)

LAUREN BURIED HER SISTER, Molly, on a bright North Carolina…

Author’s Endnote

Eos Spotlight


About the Author



About the Publisher

Ballahara, Nuue, Oria

file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Lisle,%20Holly%20-%20[Wo...0[World%20Gates%2001]%20-%20Memory%20of%20Fire.htm (3 of 276)23-7-2007 19:26:12

MOLLY MCCOLL WOKE to darkness—and to men dragging her from her bed toward her
bedroom door. The door glowed with a terrifying green light.

She didn’t waste her breath screaming; she attacked. She kicked upward, and felt like she’d kicked a rock
—but she heard the satisfying crack of bone under foot, and the resulting shriek of pain. She snapped her
right elbow back into ribs and gut, and her hand broke free from the thin, hot, strong fingers that
clutched at it. She twisted and bit down on the fingers holding her left wrist, and was rewarded with a
scream. She clawed at eyes, she kneed groins, she bit and kicked and fought with every trick at her
disposal, with every ounce of her strength and every bit of her fear and rage.

But they had her outnumbered, and even though she could make out the outlines of the ones she’d hurt
curled on the floor, the rest of her assailants still dragged her into that wall of fire. She screamed, but as
the cluster of tall men around her forced her into the flames, her scream—and all other sounds—died.

No pain. No heat. The flames that brushed against her didn’t hurt at all—instead, the cold fire felt
wonderful, energizing, life-giving; as her kidnappers dragged her clawing and kicking onto the curving,
pulsing tunnel, something in her mind whispered “yes.” For the instant—or the eternity—in which she
hung suspended in that place, no one held her, no one was trying to hurt her, and for the first time in a
long time, all the pain in her body fell away.

She had no idea what was going on; on the one hand she felt like she was fighting for her life, and on the
other hand like she was moving into something wonderful.