"Holly Lisle - Sympathy for the Devil" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lisle Holly)what will surely be perceived as a broad stroke. So just hang onto
it. I’ll be back to you when I’ve had a chance to work out the details.” The angel watched the Creator stalk away, head lowered in thought. Then he turned his attention back to the computer and deleted the “Pending” notice. He typed in the words, “Granted—implementation in progress.” Then he nibbled thoughtfully on his lower lip and stared off into the glorious infinity of heaven. He had a few dear friends who’d gotten involved on the wrong side of that first political disagreement—friends he hadn’t seen in eons. With paroles on the way, he wondered if there might be some hope of getting back in touch. Chapter 7 Friday night at nineteen hundred and thirty hours EDT on Hell’s big clock, the imp on the soul radar yelped like an air raid siren and began bouncing around its station. It grabbed the mike and howled, “Holy Tarheels, Your Bat-Winged Arch-Fiendishness! Bogie on the big board! Bogie on the big board! And it’s a whopper!” Lucifer rose slowly from his work and stalked through the lined rows of desks, glowering, scattering secretaries with every step. the ground beneath it ceased to tremble with the passing of its lord. Flames curled up where Lucifer had stepped, and the stench of brimstone hung in his wake. He reached the imp, and from his great and terrifying height, he looked down. Into the vast silence in the office, silence that came not of deference, but of dry-mouthed, unthinking fear, the Lord of Darkness growled, “What do you mean, doomed imp?” The imp pointed to a swirling dot of white spinning against the deep red background of the soul-board. “Right there, O Foul Putrescence.” The imp switched from doing Robin the Boy Wonder to doing Chuck Yeager. “Right smack in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina—we got us a four-point-seven-nine plus-soul crosscurrent intersecting on the material plane with a triple-A hardcase bearing zero-zero-ninety and carrying an unidentified soul-cargo anomaly aimed straight at us, Roger Wilco, over and out.” “Little imp,” Lucifer snarled, picking the imp up by the scruff of the neck, “tell me what you are called, that I may remember to curse you more fully after I have ground your very soulstuff into paste, ingested it, and shat it into the Bottomless Pit.” The imp squirmed and shook. “Er . . . Earwax, Your Hellishness.” “Earwax. You have only the time between one heartbeat and the next to tell me, Earwax, what exactly it was that you just said, or I will see that you spend an eon simply finding all your scattered |