"Holly Lisle - Hunting the Corrigan's Blood" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lisle Holly)

When the Bough Breaks (with Mercedes Lackey)

Thunder of the Captains (with Aaron Allston)

Wrath of the Princes (with Aaron Allston)


This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 1997 by Holly Lisle

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

A Baen Books Original

Baen Publishing Enterprises

P.O. Box 1403

Riverdale, NY 10471

ISBN: 0-671-87768-2

Cover art by Stephen Hickman

First printing, February 1997

Distributed by Simon & Schuster

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Lisle, Holly - Hunting the Corrigan's Blood

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10020

Printed in the United States of America