"Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon - Valdemar - Darians Tale 03 - Owlknight" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lackey Mercedes)

showing no annoyance at all. ?So, please, give us the details!?

?The Herald-Mage we?re getting is a fellow called Anda; I gather he was trained
by the mages that came in with the Princess and her lot, so he?s got some
experience in the war.?

That got Kelvren?s attention. ?Trrruly?? he exclaimed. ?Trrrained forrr warrr-magic??

?That?s what they told me, Kel; you?ll have to ask him yourself if you want to
know more.? Breon nodded at the gryphon, whose ear-tufts were sharply erect with

?Skandranon Rashkae wasss a warrr-mage.? Kelvren turned his head sideways to
speak to the kyree who no doubt already knew, and the king stag who likely didn?t
care. ?I could be one like him, with a good teacherrr.? Hashi licked Kelvren?s
beak. Tyrsell just stared briefly at the gryphon, his expression typically
unfathomable, then turned back to face Lord Breon.

?War-trained though he is, the Heraldic Circle feels that his experience in
dealing with mages of so many different cultures will be useful here among us. I?m
told that since the war he?s been riding circuit on the Karse and Hardorn
borders, so he?s been running liaison with Sunpriests and Imperials. But that?s
not the whole of the news - he?s bringing your Shandi back with him!?

Darian?s eyes widened in surprise equal to Snowfire?s. ?Already?? he said
cautiously, wondering if Shandi had somehow gotten herself in deeper trouble
than she could get herself out of. It had been three years, perhaps less, since
she had gone to the Collegium; surely she couldn?t have gotten her Whites yet!

?Already,? Lord Breon said with satisfaction. ?The girl?s got her Whites - not
the record, maybe, but she?s ready for other duties. Anda hand-picked her
himself as his assistant, so she?ll be groomed for permanent service here!?

?Breon! That?s excellent news!? Barda said heartily, beaming at him. ?I hope she?s
as happy with the posting as her parents will be! Well, heyla, with all this
increase in attention, perhaps we can see some funding for better roads and a
second bridge!?

?I don?t know why she wouldn?t be,? Breon replied - and behind his back, Val
rolled his eyes at Darian, who smothered a grin. Val and his lady were about to
take Breon?s place at Court, and Val could hardly wait to get away, out from
under his father?s well-intentioned restrictions. Not that Val was going to be
irresponsible when the parental ties were severed - he wasn?t the adolescent who?d
yearned for ?the clash of sword on sword? two years ago. It had been Darian who?d
seen how he chafed under the burden of being ?only? the son, but it was Starfall
who?d suggested that Val would make an excellent representative for his father
at Haven and the Court.

That Lord Breon had embraced the suggestion so readily told Darian that he
himself hadn?t worked out what to do with a young man full of energy and ideas