"Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon - Mage Wars 01 - The Black Gryphon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lackey Mercedes)

he couldn't—"
The rest was lost in tears, as he finally stopped trying to control himself and simply let himself weep.
The cot creaked as two weights settled beside him; one of them kissed his forehead, the other embraced
him, and he buried his face in the proffered shoulder as a wave of compassion and reassurance spread
from both of them.
"This is too much!" he sobbed bitterly, as whoever was holding him rocked him a little, like a child.
"Waiting here, waiting to see who comes back in pieces—who doesn't come back at all. Not being there
when they're hurt and dying."
"We know," Tamsin murmured, a world of sorrow in his own voice. "We know."
"But you don't know the rest of it—rewarding the ones who survive, when inside I cry for the ones
who didn't."
There was nothing they could say to that.
"I'm sick of detaching myself!" he burst out, in another flood of tears. "They come to me to forget
their pain, but when am I allowed to mourn?"
There was no spoken answer for that, since they were the answer. They simply held him while he
wept, held him and tried to give him the little comfort they had. Finally, after he had cried himself out in
their arms, he was able to talk a little more calmly.
"Drake, you've heard it all before," Cinnabar said as Tamsin got up to retrieve a damp cloth for
Amberdrake. "But I'll tell you again; we are here to help you, just as you help others. You've been
bearing up through all this better than anyone else. No one has ever seen you lose control, but you don't
have to be superhuman."
"I know that," he said, exhausted by his bout of emotion. "Gods, that's exactly what I just got
through saying to someone else tonight. But I've never felt like this before. It's Skandranon this time—he
was my constant. I always knew he'd be all right, that it was safe to love him because I never thought I'd
lose him. He never comes back with anything worse than a lost tailfeather."
Cinnabar smoothed Amberdrake's damp hair back from his forehead with the cool cloth, cool as
winter skies, as the ache in his heart struck him once again. "Now—just losing him—I can't bear it. It
hurts too much!"
Early morning sounds, muffled by the cloth and canvas of the tent, punctuated the talk. Wasn't it too
early, yet, for all of that? Maybe time had simply gotten away from them. Maybe that was the next lesson
in all of this—that no matter how Amberdrake felt, all would still go on without him. Still....
Tamsin settled on the other side of him as Cinnabar captured his hands in hers.
"There's nothing I can say that you don't already know," Tamsin said quietly. "You have a harder
task than we—a double burden. We have flesh to make whole again; you have hearts and minds to heal
as well. The only comfort I can offer is to say you aren't alone. We hurt, too. Skan is our friend, and
The noise outside didn't settle to the dull murmurs of daybreak. Instead, it kept rising.
It sounded, in fact, as if a small riot was approaching the surgery tent. A pang of what have I done
now! struck Amberdrake in his self-pitying state, but left when reason returned a heartbeat later.
Amberdrake pushed the cloth away from his eyes and sat up—just as a pain-filled shriek ripped
through the pre-dawn air, shattering his eardrums, and ensuring that all three Healers had their full
attention taken by the noise outside.
"What in—" Tamsin leapt to his feet, Cinnabar beside him, just as the tent flap flew open and the
mob shoved its way inside.
In the center of the mob was an unholy mating of gryphon and brush pile, all liberally mired in mud.
Amberdrake would not have recognized it as Skandranon, except for the black feathers and the
incredible vocabulary of half-delirious curse words.
He rolled off the cot and to his feet, as Gesten directed the litter team—for there was a litter under
all that mess—to get what was left of the gryphon up onto one of the surgery tables. The hertasi looked
around for a Healer; spotted Tamsin and Cinnabar, and Amberdrake behind them.