"l'amour, louis - the first fast draw" - читать интересную книгу автора (L'Amour Louis)

Photograph of Louis L'Amour by John Hamilton—Globe Photos Inc Library of Congress Catalog Card Number; 59-5168

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When the shelter was finished, thatched heavy with pin boughs, I went inside and built myself a hatful of fire. ] was a cold, wet, miserable time, and nowhere around an roof for me, although here I was, back in my own countrj

Hungry I was, and soaked to the hide from a fall m mule had taken in the swamp, but I kept my fire small, fo I'd come home by the back trails, figuring to attract m notice until I could look around and take stock.

They'd given me nothing here in the old days, and I'< given them a sight less, and the only memory they woul< have of me would be one of violence and anger. Ye hereabouts was all I had ever known of home, or wa likely to know.

The woods dripped with rain. Sometimes a big dro] would fall from the thatch overhead and hiss hi the fire but other than that and the soft fall of rain in the twiligh: forest, there was no sound. Not at first.

When a sound did come it was faint. But it was not t sound of the forest, nor of the rain, nor of any wild anima