"Henry Kuttner (as Lewis Padgett) - Ex Machina UC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kuttner Henry)4 "I remember that. You were beating your plastic gums .. .what man?" "The ugly one. You told your grandfather to take a walk, too, but you couldn't pry him loose from his bottle." "Grandpa. Uh. Oh. Where's he?" "Maybe he went back to Maine," Joe suggested. "He kept threatening to do that." "He never leaves till he's drunk out the cellar," Gallegher said. He tuned in the audio system and called every room in the house. There was no response. Presently Gallegher got up and made a search. There was no trace of Grandpa. He came back to the laboratory, trying to ignore the third dynamo with the big blue eyes, and hopelessly studied the workbench again. Joe, posturing before the mirror, said he thought he believed in the basic philosophy of intellec-tualism. Still, he added, since obviously Gallegher's intellect was in abeyance, it might pay to hook up the projector and find out what had happened last night. 'This made sense. Some time before, realizing that Gallegher sober never remembered the adventures of Gallegher tight, he had installed a visio-audio gadget in the laboratory, cleverly adjusted to turn itself on whenever circumstances warranted it. How the thing worked Gallegher wasn't quite sure anymore, except that it could run off miraculous blood-alcohol tests on its creator and start recording when the percentage was sufficiently high. At the moment the machine was shrouded in a blanket. Gallegher whipped this off, wheeled over a screen, and watched and listened to what had happened last night. Joe stood in a corner, turned off, probably cogitating. Grandpa, a wizened little man with a brown face like a bad-tempered nutcracker, sat on a stool cuddling a bottle. Gallegher was removing th$ liquor-organ mouthpiece from between his lips, having just taken on enough of a load to start the recorder working. A slim, middle-aged man with large ears and an eager expression jittered on the edge of his relaxer, watching Gallegher. "Claptrap," Grandpa said in a squeaky voice. "When I was a kid we went out and killed grizzlies with our hands. None of these new-fangled ideas—" "Reminds me of the time I was out in the woods and a grizzly came at me. I didn't have a gun. Well, I'll telLyou. I just reached down his mouth—" "Your bottle's empty," Gallegher said cleverly, and there was a pause while Grandpa, startled, investigated. It wasn't. "You were highly recommended," said the eager man. "I do hope you can help me. My partner and I are about at the end of our rope." Gallegher looked at him dazedly. "You have a partner? Who's he? For that matter, who are you?" Dead silence fell while the eager man fought with his bafflement. Grandpa lowered his bottle and said: "It wasn't empty, but it is now, Where's another?" The eager man blinked. "Mr. Gallegher," he said faintly. "I don't understand. We've been discussing—" Gallegher said, "I know. I'm sorry. It's just that I'm no good on technical problems unless I'm.. .ah.. .stimulated. Then I'm a genius. But I'm awfully absent-minded. I'm sure «• I can solve your problem, but the fact is I've forgotten what it is. I suggest you start from the beginning. Who are you and have you given me any money yet?" "I'm Jonas Harding," the eager man said. "I've got fifty thousand credits in my pocket, but we haven't come to any terms yet." "Then give me the dough and we'll come to terms," Gallegher said with ill-concealed greed. "I need money." " You certainly do," Grandpa put in, searching for a bottle. "You're so overdrawn at the bank that they lock the doors when they see you coming. I want a drink." |