"Naomi Kritzer - St. Ailbe's Hall 1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kritzer Naomi)

o Merchandise died. But what was the dog doing with her?
this bed. Even in the
The rest of the church noticed the dog during the darkest times, she
Sign of Peace; Father Andrew stifled a smile as he had never really
o Forum watched people saying "Peace be with you" while feared for him; he had
craning their necks to stare. It took longer than always been strong,
o Readers' usual for everyone to sit back down. so strong.
After the Mass, Father Andrew stood just inside theLove Among the
shade of the door to greet his parishioners. Lisa Talus
came out with the dog. "Remember me, Father?"
by Elizabeth Bear
she asked. She had a button saying "AWARE"
pinned to her sundress.
11 December 2006
"I sure do, Lisa," he said.
Nilufer raised her
eyes to his. It was not
"This is Jasper," Lisa said, and prodded the dog
what women did to
towards him. "She'd like to meet you."
men, but she was a
Father Andrew was uncomfortable with the idea of princess, and he was
enhanced animals -- the Pope had condemned the only a bandit. "I want
manipulation of God's creation, and the results of to be a Witch," she
the manipulation made Andrew nervous. Still, he said. "A Witch and
forced himself to make eye contact with the dog, not a Queen. I wish
wondering what exactly Lisa expected from him. to be not loved, but
Jasper's eyes looked neither like the eyes of wise. Tell your bandit