"Knight, Angela - Baby You've Changed" - читать интересную книгу автора (Knight Angela)I came to lying in a puddle of drool on cold deck plate. Eeeeww. I lifted my head – which promptly began to pound so hard I dropped it again. Making a supreme effort, I managed to roll over and blink at the ceiling a long, long way over my head. It wasn’t a familiar ceiling. I wasn’t on board the Xe’Vit anymore.
No sooner had the thought registered that I must be on the Intrepid than I realized something else. My back, pressed against that cold deck, was completely bare. Lifting my head, I discovered that so was the rest of me. I was naked. To make matters worse, Gage Deauxville towered over me, his blue eyes locked on my face with a distinctly hostile gleam. And he was just as naked as I was, every last centimeter of tanned, gleaming muscle on breath-stealing display. Including his huge, rock-hard erection. As I watched, completely frozen with astonishment, he deliberately squirted a tube of something into one hand and slicked it over his shaft. He’d always been hung, but.... "Damn, you’ve grown." I wished I could recall the words the instant they were out of my mouth. He gave me a slow, nasty smile, still slowly stroking that massive dick. "A lot of it in the last few minutes." Lying on the deck was beginning to seem like an invitation. I scrambled to my feet, though my head throbbed in protest. Licking dry lips, I eyed the hand stroking that long, thick organ. "Is there a reason you’re greasing your cock, Gage?" "I’m planning to celebrate my conquest." The smile widened, making it uncomfortably obvious just where he intended to do his celebrating. I swallowed and met his hot, threatening gaze. Even without the armor, he was a full head taller than I. As a merc, I was no stranger to beautifully sculpted male bodies, but Gage was as powerfully built as a Viking class warlord, from corded throat and massive chest all the way down to his big feet. He dwarfed me in every dimension. If he’d still been human, I could have kicked his ass anyway; my Fem strength would have been at least three times greater. But he was a vampire now, and that meant he was significantly stronger than even a Warlord. Which meant I didn’t have a prayer. I lifted my chin anyway. "The Gage I knew wasn’t a rapist." "You dumped the Gage you knew." He stepped closer to loom, a wall of male muscle and hostile sensuality. "At the time, you said you wanted someone who could ... take you. Hand to hand." "I said a lot of shit I didn’t mean." Including the part about not loving you. "I was too young and dumb to know better." "Don’t try to play me, Tamir." That was genuine anger flaring in his eyes now. "You meant exactly what you said. I’ve researched Warlord culture – all those elaborate courtship and dominance games. You would never have treated a Warlord the way you treated me." Because a Warlord would have seen my actions as the sexual challenge they’d been – an invitation to a dominance duel. And if I’d lost that fight, he’d have seen it as his right to indulge in what my people view as the ultimate act of conquest: a hard, deep ass fucking. The kind Gage evidently had in mind now. Something I’d still never experienced – though I wasn’t about to admit that to my vampire captor. My mouth was completely dry. Involuntarily, my eyes drifted down to his long, thick cock, imagining the way that broad shaft would feel forcing its way into my anus. Deep down, as humiliating as it was, some part of me was getting turned on. God help me, my sweet young lover had turned into the kind of hard, dominant male my darker fantasies had always revolved around. So why did I feel ... regret? "I never meant to hurt you." The minute I said the words, I mentally cringed. Not a smart thing to say to a guy you’ve humiliated. Sure enough, the nasty glint in his eyes brightened. "Don’t worry, darling – I plan to get my revenge." His gaze flicked downward. I followed them automatically. And saw what I should have noticed immediately, had I not been so hypnotized by Gage’s gorgeous cock. On the deck at his feet lay a broadsword, with a lethal point and a visibly sharp edge. It definitely wasn’t a practice weapon. I felt something cold coil in my belly. When I looked up again, I found him watching me, cool and calculating. "Pick it up, Tamir." I took a step back. "What?" "We’re going to fight my own variation of a dominance duel." He crouched and picked up the blade himself, giving it a few effortless practice swings. "If I win, you become my bloodslave, and I do my ... celebrating in your tight little ass while I feed." His smile revealed fangs so long, sharp and white, I instantly imagined how they’d feel sinking into my throat. With an offhand gesture, he tossed me the sword. I caught it automatically. "If you win, you avoid a permanent spot on my personal menu. Know how to kill a vampire?" Of course I knew – I was a space marine. I’d even done it, when I’d had to. But the idea of beheading Gage Deauxville made my gut twist in such horror I almost dropped the sword. "Gage, I am not going to fight you." "Good." He bared his fangs. "Bend over wide, Tamir." |