"Mindy L. Klasky - Girl's Guide To Witchcraft" - читать интересную книгу автора (Klasky Mindy L)

Girl's Guide to Witchcraft
By Mindy L. Klasky

I count myself beyond lucky to have had so many guides in the creation of this
Many thanks to the "book world" people: my agent, Richard Curtis (who fielded
countless phone calls and talked me through endless possibilities with his trademark
patience, humor and understanding), my editor, Mary-Theresa Hussey (who was
brave enough to take a chance on Jane Madison and me), Adam Wilson and all the
other creative, energetic folks at Red Dress Ink who turned this book into a reality.
Jane's voice is a blend of dozens of girlfriends through the years, some of whom
speak louder than others. Many of my friends loaned bits and pieces of themselves
to this book—I explicitly owe (in rough order of my meeting them) Pam Rude
Robinson, Kimi Morse Reist, Heather Hutton Kuyk, Jane Johnson Ricker, Joan
Craft Laoulidi, Tracy Palmer Berns, Kimberly Burke Sweetman and Melissa Jurgens.
If anyone else finds herself in this book, thank you (or, I apologize!).
A book like this does not get created without the flexibility of "real world"
people—all my thanks to Pauline Apling and Nkechi Feaster for covering in the CSS
Library, and to Sylvia Miller for her boundless support and enthusiasm (but
especially for treating me to tea at the Four Seasons, with far less drama than poor
Jane experienced).
My family remains an endless source of support—I thank Mom and Dad, Ben and
Lisa, and all the Maddrey/Andress/Fallon clan. A special thanks goes out to the
North Carolina Maddreys for introducing me to Stupid Fish. This book would never
have been completed without Mark's problem-solving, grocery-shopping,
laundry-completing and—quite simply—love. The less said about feline assistance,
the better.
Finally, I am grateful to my parents and all the teachers who turned me into the
librarian and voracious reader that I am today. In an attempt to repay the smallest
part of that debt, I am donating ten percent of my profits from this book to First
Book, a national nonprofit organization with the single mission to give children from
low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first new books. For more
information about First Book, please visit their Web site at www.firstbook.org.
To correspond with me and keep track of my writing life, please visit my Web site
at www.mindyklasky.com.

They don't teach witchcraft in library school.
Vermin—check. Mold and mildew—check. Difficult patrons—check. But there
was no course in witchcraft, no syllabus for sorcery. If only I'd been properly
prepared for my first real job.
I was probably responsible for what happened. After all, I was the one who recited
the Scottish play as I pulled a gigantissimo nonfat half-caf half-decaf light-hazelnut
heavy-vanilla wet cappuccino with whole-milk foam and a dusting of cinnamon.
"Double, double, toil and trouble," I said as I plunged the steel nozzle into the carafe
of milk.
"What's that from, Jane?" asked my customer, a middle-aged woman who