"Jeff Kirvin - Unification Chronicles 4 - Exiting Eden" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kirvin Jeff)

Robyn and her Marines did their best against the aliens, but their best wasn’t doing much
good. They’d each managed to distract one of the alien machines who didn’t seem to care what
they attacked but that still left two following the transport. She couldn’t take down her
machine quickly enough to attack the ones following the transport, assuming she could kill it
at all.

The machine in question brought its foot down hard, nearly stomping Robyn flat. With a
thought, Robyn activated her jumpjets and rocketed over the Saurian mech. From above, the
avian shape was more obvious, and the dorsal side seemed to have less armor than the front.
She fired her plasma rifle as she arced down with gravity, drawing only a scorched black scar
on the back of the machine.

Robyn rolled as she landed, coming up in a crouch and shooting at the knee joint of the
mech. She saw a satisfying burst of sparks, then had to roll to her side to avoid a stream of
autocannon fire from the mech.

She saw another blast of fire hit the mech in the “arm,” just above the autocannon. Private
Girish bounded into her line of view, dodging the attacks of the mech with effortless grace.

“I got mine, Lieutenant,” she heard his voice over the tacnet. “Let’s finish these assholes and
get back to camp!”

She jumped up and ran around the thing’s legs, firing as she went. She was doing damage,
but not enough. The only thing she had going for her was that with Girish jumping around,
bouncing off cockpit, back, autocannon like an armored gnat, the mech’s pilot wasn’t working
too hard at shooting at her.

She dodged a giant metal talon as the mech nearly stepped on her, then saw her opening.
Lying supine, she raised her plasma rifle and fired at the underside of the mech, where the legs
met the torso. She heard a loud crack as something weakened and snapped, then the mech
began to topple.

As the cockpit of the mech smashed into the dirt, Girish bound up again to jump on its

He never landed.

Girish was ripped to shreds by autocannon fire. He didn’t have time to scream. Robyn
peeked around the fallen mech to see another running her way. The legs didn’t move that fast,
but with a stride that long, they didn’t have to. She could see the small armored form of
Sergeant Jabari trailing after it.

“Get under it!” Robyn shouted to Jabari. “Hit the hip joint!” She used the crippled mech as
cover and opened fire on the newcomer.
Instead of attacking the new threat, the mech spun and opened fire on Jabari. She leapt out
of the way, but it tracked her.

Robyn wasn’t about to lose two of her people. Not like this. She bounded over the fallen
mech and landed on top of the new one. She pointed her plasma rifle straight down and