"Crawford Killian - The Empire of Time" - читать интересную книгу автора (Killian Crawford) "Seventy-second floor, please. Apartment 72006."
"Yes, sir!" The porter was impressed. All apartments above the seventieth floor were reserved for top Agency staff. Pierce tipped the porter and started down the long platform to the escalators. As he took his fifth step, time seemed to stop. Pierce's perceptions heightened and intensified, as if he had Just undergone some impossible quintupling of sensory-input synthesis. He could pick out individual conversations amid the gabble and shuffle of a hundred people, but everyone was speaking so slowly that their words made no sense. A dozen different scents swirled around him. Pierce noted that exactly nine small tiles were missing from the abstract mosaic that covered the tunnel walls. He was aware of the temperature difference between his ankles and his face, and estimated it correctly at 2°C. The file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Crawford%20Killian%20-%20The%20Empire%20of%20Time.html (2 of 234)27-1-2007 19:19:09 Kilian, Crawford - The Empire of Time (v1.0) (html) holoposters set into the walls blazed mindlessly at him: WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT DOOMSDAY? THERE'S A FUTURE FOR YOU in THE COLONIAL POLICE! LEVY'S RYE—THE TOAST OF TWELVE CHRONOPLANES WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT DOOMSDAY? Nothing moved. Pierce was frightened, but observed the phenomenon with an Agent's Trained dispassion. Here was a "freeze" —an occupational hazard of Trainable Agents after years of psychoconditioning. Its onset meant the Trainable's usefulness was nearing its end. Almost twenty years, he thought I must be due for it. But this is just the first freeze; I could go for years without experiencing another one. I'm thirty-five; another two or three years left, anyway. An image of a cabin on the California coast, or on Thel or Ahania or even all the way back to Tharmas, flashed through his mind—a cabin with apricot and cherry trees around it: The stereotypical retirement for a used-up Agent. He would go mad with boredom. But some Agents went a whole lifetime without freezing. Wigner. Well, he's only thirty- nine, and he's got himself insulated. The bastard could spend half his time frozen solid in his office, and no one would know. The freeze was wearing off. Down the platform, Pierce saw a young man approaching him, and worried. Had he noticed anything? The freeze could not have lasted more than a second or two; the young man could not have noticed. |