"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 07 - A Time Of War" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

seemed normal again, merely the look of an angry man, not some strange ensorcelment.

‘I know you. You be the rat boy.’

‘I am, sir.’ He found his voice at last, but in his terror he could only whisper. ‘Jahdo Ratter.’

‘Kill him now.’Wrapped in a black cloak with the hood well up, the woman crouched on the edge of the
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‘Hold your tongue, Rae!’ Verrarc snapped. ‘I’ll not be hurting the boy. He’s but ten summers old, and
no threat.’

‘Verro!’ Her voice, this time, whined, as petulant as a toddler. ‘Kill him. I want to watch.’

‘Hold your tongue! He be valuable, this lad, and besides, the herb-woman does know he’s out here.’

With a snarl she sat back on her heels. All Jahdo could see of her were grey eyes and pale cheeks,
streaked with sweat. No doubt she found the black cloak a burden on such a sunny day. Verrarc ignored
her, slipped one arm around Jahdo’s shoulders, and turned him round.

‘Look, lad, as one man to another, I ask you: are you really going to be telling anyone about what you
did see here today?’

All of a sudden Jahdo understood, a love affair.

‘Of course not, sir. It be none of my business, bain’t?’

Verrarc winked and grinned.

‘Not in the least, lad, not in the least. And don’t you go worrying. No harm will come to you, as long as
you hold your tongue.’

‘Thank you, sir, oh, a thousand thanks. I’ll never say naught, I swear it. And I’ll gather my herbs
somewhere far away, too.’

Verrarc looked deep into his eyes and smiled. It seemed that his blue eyes turned to water, that his gaze
flowed over the boy like warm water.

‘Good. Good lad. Now, just trot back down along the stream, like, and go on your way.’

Jahdo followed orders, running as fast he dared, never looking back until he was a good mile away. He
climbed out of the gully and stood for a moment, shaking his head. Something odd had happened, down
there by the water. Or had he fallen asleep and dreamt it? He’d seen something, someone - Councilman
Verrarc and a lady, and they were sneaking out behind her husband’s back, and he’d sworn to speak
not a word of it. Fair enough, and he’d certainly keep his promise, especially since he wasn’t even sure if
it were true or just a dream, or even a rumour. The city was full of rumours, after all. Maybe he hadn’t