"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 07 - A Time Of War" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

has chosen to waste his supposedly valuable time by disputing this obvious point. Since the man refuses
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to see reason and stop his scurrilous attacks upon us, my publishers and I have been forced to sue for
redress in the malover of the gwcrbrets of Aberwyn, much as it distresses us to waste the clearly valuable
time of this court. Although the case has yet to be accepted for deliberation, readers will be kept
apprised of future developments, never fear.


Summer, 1116


Of all the figures that give us omens in the element of Earth, this be the most dangerous and dissolute,
unless it pertain, thanks to the overall reading of the map, to days of blood and fire. And should it fall into
the House of Iron, then the loremaster must destroy the map immediately, proceeding no farther, for
naught good will come of peering into such a future.

The Omenbook ofGwam, Loremaster



Unless this figure fall into the House of Bronze, that is to say, the seventh country on our map, or into the
House of Gold, the fifth country where dwell art and song, then it be ill-omened, bringing dissension,
injury, and the lust for revenge.

The Omenbook ofGwam, Loremaster

Round Cerr Cawnen the meadows lay marshy, crossed by a thousand streams, most no more than
rivulets, and dotted with pools and hogs. With his face and hands lard-smeared to Keep the blackflies
from biting, Jahdo picked his way through the high grass to hunt for brooklime and colt’s foot. To the
north the mountains that the dwarven folk call the Roof of the World towered out of blue mist, their