"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 05 - A Time Of Exile" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

“So mind your manners. No giving orders, and always say thank you when they do something for you.”

The chamberlain ushered them into a vast round room, carpeted with braided rushes and set about with
long wooden tables, where at least a hundred men, all of them armed with knife and sword both, were
drinking ale and nibbling on chunks of bread, while servant girls wandered around, gossiping or trading
smart remarks with the men more than working. Near a carved sandstone hearth to one side, one finer
table, made of ebony and polished to a shine, stood alone, the gwerbret’s place of honor. Londalo was
well pleased when the chamberlain seated them there and had a boy bring their ale in actual glass stoups.
Londalo was also pleased to see that the tapestry he’d sent ahead as a gift was hanging on the wall near
the enormous fireplace. As he absently fingered the hilt of the silver dagger, he realized that his strange
anxiety had left him. Harmon, however, was nervous, glancing continually at the mob of armed men
across the hall.
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“Now, now,” Londalo whispered. “The rulers here do keep their men in hand, and besides, everyone
honors a guest. No one’s going to kill you on the spot.”

Harmon forced out a smile, had a sip of ale, and nearly choked on the bitter, stinking stuff. Like the true
merchant he was, however, he covered over his distaste with a cough and forced himself to try again. In
a few minutes, two young men strode into the hall. Since their baggy trousers were woven from one of
the garish plaids that marked a Deverry noble, and since the entire warband rose to bow to them,
Londalo assumed that they were a pair of the gwerbret’s sons. They looked much alike, with wavy
raven-dark hair and cornflower-blue eyes. By barbarian standards they were both handsome men,
Londalo supposed, but he was worried about more than their appearance.

“By the Great Wave-father himself! I was told that there was only one son visiting here! We’ll have to
do something about getting a gift for the other, no matter what the cost.”

The chamberlain bustled over, motioning for them to rise, so they’d be ready to kneel at the proper
moment. Having to kneel to the so-called noble-born vexed Londalo, who was used to voting his rulers
into office and voting them out again, too, if they didn’t measure up to his standards. As one of the young
men strolled over, the chamberlain cleared his throat.

“Rhodry, Gwerbret Aberwyn, the Maelwaedd, and his son.”

In his confusion, Londalo almost forgot to kneel. Why, this lord could be no more than twenty-five at
most! Mentally he cursed the merchant guild for giving him such faulty information for this important

“We are honored to be in your presence, great lord, but you must forgive our intrusion in what must be a
time of mourning.”

“Mourning?” The gwerbret frowned, puzzled.

“Well, when we set sail for your most esteemed country, Your Grace, your father was still alive, or so I
was told, the elder Rhodry of Aberwyn.”