"Kafka, Franz - Diaries 1914" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kafka Franz)painted oriental decorations on the wall, and had put in old plush furniture almost past its usefulness.
6 January. Dilthey: Das Erlebnis und die Dichtung (Experience and Poetry): Love for humanity, the highest respect for all the forms it has taken; stands back quietly in the best post from which he can observe. On Luther's early writings: "the mighty shades, attracted by murder and blood, that step from an invisible world into the visible one" -Pascal. Letter for A. to his mother-in-law. Liesl kissed the teacher. 8 January. Fantl recited Tкte d'or: "He hurls the enemy about like a barrel." Uncertainty, aridity, peace-all things will resolve themselves into these and pass away. What have I in common with Jews? I have hardly anything in common with myself and should stand very quietly in a corner, content that I can breathe. Description of inexplicable emotions. A.: Since that happened, the sight of women has been painful to me, it is neither sexual excitement nor pure sorrow, it is simply pain. That's the way it was too before I felt sure of Liesl. 12 January. Yesterday: Ottilie's love affairs, the young Englishman-Tolstoy's engagement; I have a clear impression of a young, sensitive, and violent person, restraining himself, full of forebodings. Well dressed, dark, and dark blue. The girl in the coffeehouse. Her tight skirt, her white, loose, fur-trimmed silk blouse, bare throat, close-fitting gray hat. Her full, laughing, eternally pulsating face; friendly eyes, though a little affected. My face flushes whenever I think of F. Clear night on the way home; distinctly aware of what in me is mere dull apathy, so far removed from a great clarity expanding without hindrance. Nikolai Literaturbriefe (Letters on Literature). There are possibilities for me, certainly, but under what stone do they lie? Carried forward on the horse- Youth's meaninglessness. Fear of youth, fear of meaninglessness, of the meaningless rise of an inhuman life. |