"Joy, Dara - High 01 - High Energy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Joy Dara) "I don't know!"
"I can understand passion, or a mad, wild fling, or even good old-fashioned horniness, but curiosity?" "Get off my case, will you?'' Mills felt instantly contrite. "I'm sorry, Zani, it was just so unlike you. You weren't turned on in the least?" Zanita grimaced. "No. And despite what you believe, 'blah' describes the experience perfectly. It was all over very quickly." Mills lowered her voice to what she deemed a serious tone. "Did you... ?" "No." Zanita ran her index finger around the rim of her cup; she was about to make a terrible confession. "Mills, I've—I've never." Mills eyebrows shot up. "Not ever?" Zanita sunk further into her chair. "Nope." "Not even with Steve?" She sighed. "Not even with Steve." Both women were silent for a few moments, the absolute 11 Dara Joy seriousness of the subject demanding the proper respect. Zanita took a gulp of coffee. "Do you think it's me? I don't think it's me." Mills was outraged. "Of course it isn't you!" The two friends sat in silence pondering the dilemma. Finally, Zanita broke the silence. "Well, what is it, then?" As was Mills' habit when she was deep in thought, she took a large sip of coffee, then slowly lowered her mug to the table. Zanita knew she wouldn't speak until the sound of the cup hitting the table had faded away. At that precise moment, Zanita could count on Mills having an inspiration. Here it comes, she thought; the woman's a genius. Mills looked straight at her and pronounced, "It wasn't right." Zanita's violet eyes blinked twice. "That's it? It wasn't right?" She dropped her head to the table. "Jeez, Mills, give me a break." "Think about it." "No." Came the muffled reply from the tabletop. Zanita lifted her head slightly from the table. "Please, no more psychobabble, I beg you." Mills continued unperturbed. "With Rick, there was nothing. No passion. No lust. Ergo no fulfillment." Zanita sat back up. "You really think so?" "Yes. Zanita, I've known you practically all my life. When you're in doubt about something, you always hold back. You withdraw into yourself." "I do?" She thought about it a moment. "You're right. I do. I never realized that before." "On the other hand, when you feel strongly about something, you jump right into it, head first, no holds barred." Zanita's tone became distinctly cool. "Are you saying I leap before I look?" 12 High Energy "Drop the affronted act. Face it, girlfriend, you are not by nature a person who is concerned about the end justifying the means." "Meaning?" Mills stretched her arms out. "Meaning, you act first, then live with the consequences later." "So, Dr. Ruth, what does this all have to do with my problem?" "Everything. When you meet a man who makes you leap before you look, you will be just fine." "Well, I have nothing to worry about, do I?" she asked sarcastically. "We both know there isn't a man in existence who could befuddle me in that manner." Mills started giggling, saw Zanita's expression, and quickly placed a hand over her mouth. "What is so funny? You are supposed to be my friend." "It's just that I suddenly got this mental picture of some man coming along, tricking you into playing the shell game, and when you don't guess correctly, throwing you over his shoulder and hauling you off to bed." Their eyes met and they both burst out laughing. "Talk about slight of hand ..." This caused another round of laughter. "Please—" Zanita gasped, holding her sides. "The hand," Mills giggled, "is quicker than the eye!" "Stop!" "N-now you see it—" Mills couldn't finish, she was laughing so hard. |