"Diana Wynne Jones - Howl's Moving Castle" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jones Diana Wynne)

smoke was blowing up in clouds from behind its black battlements. It looked tall and thin and heavy
and ugly and very sinister indeed. Sophie leaned on her stick and watched it. She was not particularly
frightened. She wondered how it moved. But the main thing in her mind was that all that smoke must
mean a large fireside somewhere inside those tall black walls.
"Well, why not?" she said to her stick. "Wizard Howl is not likely to want my soul for his
collection. He only takes young girls."
She raised her stick and waved it imperiously at the castle.
"Stop!" she shrieked.
The castle obediently came to a rumbling, grinding halt about fifty feet uphill from her.
Sophie felt rather gratified as she hobbled toward it.

3: in which Sophie enters into a castle and a bargain
There was a large black door in the black wall facing Sophie and she made for that, hobbling
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Jones, Diana Wynne - Howl's Moving Castle.txt
briskly. The castle was uglier that ever close to. It was far too tall for its height and not a very regular
shape. As far as Sophie could see in the growing darkness, it as built of huge black blocks, like coal,
and, like coal, these blocks were all different shapes and sizes. Chill breathed off these blocks as she
got closer, but that failed to frighten Sophie at all. She just thought of chairs and firesides and stretched
her hand out eagerly to the door.
Her hand could not come near it. Some invisible wall stopped her hand about a foot from the
door. Sophie prodded at it with an irritable finger. When that made no difference, she prodded with her
stick. The wall seemed to be all over the door from as high as her stick could reach, and right down to
the heather sticking out from under the doorstep.
"Open up!" Sophie cackled at it.
That made no difference to the wall.
"Very well," Sophie said. "I'll find your back door." She hobbled off the lefthand corner of
the castle, that being both the nearest and slightly downhill. But she could not get around the corner.
The invisible wall stopped her again as soon as she was level with the irregular black cornerstones. At
this, Sophie said a word she had learned from Martha, that neither old ladies nor young girls are
supposed to know, and stumped uphill and anti-clockwise to the castle's righthand corner. There was no
barrier there. She turned that corner and came hobbling eagerly towards the second big black door in
the middle of that side of the castle.
There was a barrier over that door too.
Sophie glowered at it. "I call that very unwelcoming!" she said.
Black smoke blew down form the battlements in clouds. Sophie coughed. Now she was
angry. She was old, frail, chilly, and aching all over. Night was coming on and the castle just sat and
blew smoke at her. "I'll speak to Howl about this!" she said, and set off fiercely to the next corner.
There was not barrier there-evidently you had to go around the castle clockwise-but there, bit sideways
in the next wall, was a third door. This one was much smaller and shabbier.
"The back door at last!" Sophie said.
The castle started to move again as Sophie got near the back door. The ground shook. The
wall shuddered and creaked, and the door started to travel sideways from her.
"Oh, no you don't!" Sophie shouted. She ran after the door and hit it violently with her stick.
"Open up!" she yelled.
The door sprang open inward, still moving sideways. Sophie, by hobbling furiously,
managed to get one foot up on its doorstep. Then she hopped and scrambled and hopped again, while
the great black blocks round the door jolted and crunched as the castle gathered speed over the uneven
hillside. Sophie did not wonder the castle had a lopsided look. The marvel was that it did not fall apart
on the spot.