"Charles Ingrid - The Sand Wars 05 - Return Fire" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ingrid Charles)

chamber floor. Let the janitors clean up Pepys' messes. He followed after his

Chapter 1
Colin bowed his head and bent his shoulders. A dank wind blew thinning
strands of hair across his brow, but it was not the element he cut his way
against as he crossed the parking grounds toward home. Before he lifted his
eyes to meet theirs, he could hear the clack of chiton and carapaces as
Thraks shifted into a guard position, meeting him at his own door as though
he were the enemy and not they. He met them squarely, the trio who had
replaced his own long time bodyguard at the gated entrance to Walker
headquarters, his rugged cross thumping upon his chest at his abrupt halt.
He smoothed it down, aware the faceted eyes of the aliens accosting him
watched every movement keenly, their expressions hidden behind kabuki
masks of beetle armor.
The self-made minister to thousands swallowed a bitter taste in his
mouth, reminding himself that they were no longer enemies, but allies. He
no more believed it than he believed the lies of his long time friend Emperor
Pepys, author of this misalliance.

"Identify yourself," said the Thraks to the fore. Dark sable throat leather
bulged with his implant.

Colin sighed. "Colin of the Blue Wheel," he said, disliking the way his
voice sounded the moment the words were out. Old. Weak. Dispirited. He
clenched his hand deep in the vest pocket of his overrobe. Had he traded all
he'd once valued just to coexist?

The Thraks reached forward spindly fingers, crab claws with agility,
bowing over him from its superior height. "Pass," it said.

The Walker saint thrust his jaw forward and moved between them
forcibly though they had stepped aside to let him around them. With the
clicking sounds of their alien flesh, they jostled each other to let him
through, as averse to touching him as he was to touching them. Once inside
his gates, burly Jonathan met him with warm hands, steadying him.

The ursinelike aide also topped him, but Jonathan exuded the milk of
human kindness and, perversely, Colin felt smothered. He almost preferred
the Thraks to this attention.

He snapped, "Leave me be."

"Your holiness…"

Colin came to a halt inside the foyer. He waited until the security doors