"Charles Ingrid - The Sand Wars 05 - Return Fire" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ingrid Charles)

from his apartments, though the older man knew he should have been alert,
for if Jack could get in or out, sooner or later someone else could. He looked
down at his hand, and saw the shattered remains of his teacup still clenched
within it.

He cupped both hands together and shook them lightly, the shards of his
cup rattling about for a few seconds. When all was silent, he opened his
hands, and smiled at the whole teacup resting within. Then a thought
shadowed his pleasure, and his face. If only healing Storm could be that

Chapter 2
You'll go as a priest," Colin said. "Make that a reverend. Certain of the
Walker sects are of monkish persuasion—you'll be in a hood and cowl.
There's nothing very humble about your size—" the older man eyed Storm.
"We'll put you next to Jonathan to shrink you somewhat. Denaro agrees
with me, though. It's sheer folly to let you go and suicide to aid and abet."

"But you'll do it."

"Of course I will. What do you think I've been talking about?" Colin's
speech lapsed as he lowered himself into his chair. For a moment, Jack
perceived a flash of what the future would bring: the man grown older and
feeble as the chair appeared to swallow him up, body hunched in weary
surrender. But then Colin squared his shoulders and the future disappeared,
his age apparent but not victorious as yet. He rubbed one hand across the
knobby knuckles of the other in thought, then added, "We've only Amber to
worry about."

"She knows I'm here."

"You told her?"

"Not directly—we both know that doesn't mean she doesn't know. And
why would you not want her to know?"
Colin opened his mouth as if to say something, thought better, and shut
it. But the hesitation did not go past Jack. He stood over Colin. "Is there a

The prelate did not look up. He said quietly, "There's always a problem
somewhere, if one looks hard enough. Pepys and Vandover deserve more
consideration than you've given them."

Jack dropped into the chair opposite Colin. For a moment, it looked as if
he would lean back and put his heels up on the priceless burled table, but
instead, he leaned forward intently, upper body resting on his forearms