"Hume, David - Of The Delicacy Of Taste And Passion" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hume David)


[1][COPYRIGHT: (c) 1995, James Fieser ([email protected]), all
rights reserved. Unaltered copies of this computer text file
may be freely distribute for personal and classroom use.
Alterations to this file are permitted only for purposes of
computer printouts, although altered computer text files may
not circulate. Except to cover nominal distribution costs,
this file cannot be sold without written permission from the
copyright holder. When quoting from this text, please use the
following citation: The Writings of David Hume, ed. James
Fieser (Internet Release, 1995).

EDITORIAL CONVENTIONS: Spelling and punctuation have not been
modernized. Printer's errors have been corrected without note.
Bracketed comments within the end notes are the editor's. This
is a working draft. Please report errors to James Fieser
([email protected]).]

[2]Mons. FONTENELLE, Pluralite des Mondes. Soir. 6.

© 1996