"Hume, David - Of Essay Writing" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hume David)

reality, they become the same when treated in this manner; and
we may observe, that they both depend upon the very same
complexion. As the fair sex have a great share of the tender
and amorous disposition, it perverts their judgment on this
occasion, and makes them be easily affected, even by what has
no propriety in the expression nor nature in the sentiment.
Mr. Addison's elegant discourses of religion have no relish
with them, in comparison of books of mystic devotion: and
Otway's tragedies are rejected for the rants of Mr. Dryden.

Would the ladies correct their false taste in this particular;
let them accustom themselves a little more to books of all
kinds: let them give encouragement to men of sense and
knowledge to frequent their company: and finally, let them
concur heartily in that union I have projected betwixt the
learned and conversible wor1ds. They may, perhaps, meet with
more complaisance from their usual followers than from men of
learning; but they cannot reasonably expect so sincere an
affection: and, I hope, they will never be guilty of so wrong
a choice, as to sacrifice the substance to the shadow.


[1][COPYRIGHT: (c) 1995, Christopher MacLachlan
([email protected]), all rights reserved. Unaltered copies
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altered computer text files may not circulate. Except to cover
nominal distribution costs, this file cannot be sold without
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notice supersedes all previous notices on earlier versions of
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EDITORIAL CONVENTIONS: Note references are contained within
square brackets (e.g., [1]). Spelling and punctuation have
been modernized.

[2][Matthew Prior, Alma, or the Progress of the Mind (1718),
Canto 3, lines 525f.]

© 1996