"David Hume - On the First Principles of Government" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hume David)

commons of GREAT BRITAIN, its weight in the scale is proportioned
to the property and power of all whom it represents. But this
principle must not be received as absolutely true. For though the
people are apt to attach themselves more to the house of commons,
than to any other member of the constitution; that house being
chosen by them as their representatives, and as the public
guardians of their liberty; yet are there instances where the
house, even when in opposition to the crown, has not been
followed by the people; as we may particularly observe of the
tory house of commons in the reign of king WILLIAM. Were the
members obliged to receive instructions from their constituents,
like the DUTCH deputies, this would entirely alter the case; and
if such immense power and riches, as those of all the commons of
GREAT BRITAIN, were brought into the scale, it is not easy to
conceive, that the crown could either influence that multitude of
people, or withstand that overbalance of property. It is true,
the crown has great influence over the collective body in the
elections of members; but were this influence, which at present
is only exerted once in seven years, to be employed in bringing
over the people to every vote, it would soon be wasted; and no
skill, popularity, or revenue, could support it. I must,
therefore, be of opinion, that an alteration in this particular
would introduce a total alteration in our government, and would
soon reduce it to a pure republic; and, perhaps, to a republic of
no inconvenient form. For though the people, collected in a body
like the ROMAN tribes, be quite unfit for government, yet when
dispersed in small bodies, they are more susceptible both of
reason and order; the force of popular currents and tides is, in
a great measure, broken; and the public interest may be pursued
with some method and constancy. But it is needless to reason any
farther concerning a form of government, which is never likely to
have place in GREAT BRITAIN, and which seems not to be the aim of
any party amongst us. Let us cherish and improve our ancient
government as much as possible, without encouraging a passion for
such dangerous novelties.