"Zach Hughes - Mother Lode" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hughes Zach)

sensors warned her of the presence of vessels in her blink line, but the
Mule was not equipped with the highly advanced detection gear that had
become standard issue for X&A ships after Pete Jaynes rediscovered how
to tune a blink generator to frequencies other than standard. Such
equipment would have told her as soon as she left Haven that she was
being followed one blink behind by a sleek deep space miner equipped
with a Unicloud computer and the latest detection equipment. The deep
space miner was still with her ninety days later when she blinked past the
administration planet and toward New Earth.


Perhaps it was her proximity to civilization that brought out a feeling
of guilt as Erin blinked the Mother Lode into orbit around New Earth.
Before asking for landing instructions she sent a blink to X&A Central on
Xanthos inquiring about the whereabouts of the Rimfire. Her intention
was, at that moment, to settle for what she had, to go to her former
commanding officer, Julie Roberts, and put Old Smiley into the captain's
capable hands. However, Rimfire was on the opposite side of the galaxy,
preparing to penetrate inward toward unknown areas. Going to X&A
Central to turn over her discovery to strangers had little appeal and left
room for cupidity to reassert itself.

Mother settled gently onto her gear at the same hardpad assigned to
her when John Kenner first brought her to Old Port. She told Control no,
she did not want to renew the monthly lease on the hardpad, that she
would be only a temporary visitor.

Mop was in familiar territory. He scampered around the hardpad and
greeted beloved bushes with a gaily hoisted leg before leading the way at a
frantic run toward Denton Gale's workshop. He arrived at the door ahead
of Erin, announced his presence with frantic barking, and leaped into
Denton's arms, wiggling, whining, licking Denton's hands and face in
delight when the door was opened. Mop was still demanding attention
when Erin reached the office.

"Hi," she said.

"Now if you were as glad to see me as this little rascal—" Denton said,
"Well, I can't wriggle my rear as fast as he does," she said, moving her

"Fine fellow that you are, Moppy," Denton said, "on her it looks better."
He ruffled the dog's hair, pulled on his scrubby tail, put him down on the
floor, said to Erin, "Come on in."