"Zach Hughes - Mother Lode" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hughes Zach)

. Do not allow your animal to exit the ship under any circumstances until
our animal importation people are at your ship with a sealed transporter
to take your animal to quarantine."

Silence on Erin's part. Then, "How long is your quarantine period?"

"Six months."

"Permission to lift ship," Erin said.


"Wiggston Control, Mother Lode. I request immediate permission to
lift ship."

"Permission refused," the controller said. "You have broken the laws of
Aspiration. Your animal must be put into quarantine."
"You and the horse you rode in on," Erin said, as she pushed
instructions into the computer. Mother quivered and lifted. An angry
voice was on the communicator. Erin turned it off and juiced the flux
drive. Mop whined as the g forces pushed him down onto the console

Just in case the good people of Aspiration were really assholes, Erin
turned on the detectors. If anything looking like an armed ship came
toward her she was ready to blink to hell out of there, although blinking
while in a planet's gravitational well was against the rules. However, no
ships appeared. She kept Mother's flux drive pumping full power until she
was well clear and then punched in a blink.

"What do you think?" she asked the Mop.

Mop, freed of the g forces of the quick getaway, lifted his head and
looked pitiful.

"Sorry about that," she said, "but I don't think you'd have liked an
Aspiration prison for pooches."

The U.P. Director said that there were refineries on Haven, a planet
just a few blinks down the routes. This time she was more careful,
checking on Haven's attitude toward small dogs before going down.

"Tell your captain," the controller at Havenport said, "that your ship
and crew and the little dog are welcome in our city."

"You're speaking to the captain," Erin said.


"Ah, good, Mother Lode, you have clearance to land on pad A-10. Make