"Christopher Hinz - Paratwa 03 - The Paratwa" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hinz Christopher)

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The Paratwa

Paratwa 03

Christopher Hinz

This one is for Earl Hinz and Pam Reynolds

from The Rigors, byMeridian

It was the time of our emergence. It was the time of the fast coming, when the. Earth was still vital and
the Ash Ock were fresh as today's memory; in retrospect, a fragile era, but one where life itself seemed
aglow with all manner of possibility, where we Paratwa felt destined to rule the Earth, to rule the stars. It
was a time when each of us sizzled under the, spell of our own unique simultaneities, relishing the genetic
fates that had cast our souls into two bodies instead of one. It was a time when our binary spirits seemed
molded by the essence of some primordial ubiquity, our bodies glazed to perfection, our minds burnished
by the hands of an immortal poet.

It was a time of the Ash Ock, the royal Caste—those Jive unique creations whose sphere of influence
exploded outward from that secret jungle complex deep in the Brazilian rainforest, enveloping the world,
uniting us, directing our disparate Paratwa breeds into a swarm of binary elegance that, for those brief
fragile years, seemed unstoppable.

It was a time of innocence. It was a time that could not last.

Some of us began to perceive the underlying dynamics of Ash Ock power, to comprehend their subtle
manipulations, to hear the distinctive growls of Jive exquisite motors beneath Jive exquisite hoods. The
mirror that the Ash Ock had held before each of us, which had reflected only our virtues, splintered
under the roar of those engines; our worship of their godlike prowess yielded to mere admiration,
appreciative yet tempered by the knowledge that those of the royal Caste remained mortal, despite their
incredible magic. And that magic, partially swollen by our own needs and desires, gave birth to a child
swaddled in the robes of scientific superiority. The poet departed, never to return. It was a time of
terrible betrayal

As the Star-Edge fleet—under the clandestine guidance of Theophrastus—prepared to escape from an