"Robert A. Heinlein - Grumbles from the grave (Non Fiction)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Heinlein Robert A)Conventions. Published in the United States by Ballantine Books, a division
of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint the following material: Davis Publications, Inc.: Excerpts from ten letters written by John W. Campbell as editor of Astounding Science Fiction. Copyright ® 1989 by Davis Publications, Inc. Putnam Publishing Group: Excerpt from the original manuscript of Podkayne of Mars by Robert A. Heinlein. Copyright ® 1963 by Robert A. Heinlein. Reprinted by permission of the Putnam Publishing Group. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 89-6859 ISBN 0-345-36941-6 Manufactured in the United States of America First Hardcover Edition: January 1990 First Mass Market Edition: December 1990 For Heinlein’s Children * FOREWORD This book does not contain the polished prose one normally associates with the Heinlein stories and articles of later years. It has been taken from the day-to-day correspondence between the author and his agent, and from Such cutting eliminates a great deal of tedious back-and-forth correspondence concerning details of contracts, discussions about royalty rates, and other items which would hold up the flow of information about the writing business (and other things). This book has been abstracted from enormous files, which run millions of words long, much of it boring to those not concerned with the daily business of writing and selling. Many people have asked me to consider writing Robert’s biography, or a joint one—his and mine—but I am not ready to do that yet. Perhaps, one day. Meanwhile, this correspondence covers mostly the years from the time when Robert first began writing until the period 1969-1970, at which time he found that his writing time was effectively cut down to zero by the continuing details 2 of his business and subsequently, grave illness . . . Over the years, I had taken over record keeping, information on sales, taxes, and some of the correspondence. In 1970, Robert was very sick for the entire year, and it was then essential that I keep the business running. It was fortunate that I had begun doing so the previous year. In order to follow the various subjects, I have excerpted these letters to put together as many as possible of the remarks and ideas on those subjects. Each letter did have a number of topics in it, these have been separated where possible. Some of the topics are: juveniles, adult novels, publishers, travel, fan mail, time wasters, Robert’s writing methods, and so forth. Some names have been left out for legal reasons. There are places where there are only notes on telephone conversations. It |