"Harry Harrison & Marvin Minsky - The Turing Option" - читать интересную книгу автора (Harrison Harry)



A Time Warner Company


Copyright © 1992 by Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky All rights reserved.
Questar® is a registered trademark of Warner Books, Inc.
Book design by H. Roberts Cover illustration by Bob Eggleton
Cover design by Don Puckey Cover photo by The Image Bank
Warner Books, Inc.
1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
A Time Warner Company Printed in the United States of America
Originally published in hardcover by Warner Books. First Printed in Paperback
October, 1993

For Julie, Margaret and Henry: Moira and Todd—
A story of your tomorrow.

In 1950, Alan M. Turing, one of the earliest pioneers
of computer science, considered the question of whether
a machine could ever think. But because it is so hard to
define thinking he proposed to start with an ordinary
digital computer and then asked whether, by increasing
its memory and speed, and providing it with a suitable
program, it might be made to play the part of a man?
His answer:
"The question, 'Can machines think?' I believe to be
too meaningless to deserve discussion. Nevertheless I
believe that at the end of the century the use of words
and general, educated opinion will have altered so
much that one will be able to speak of machines
thinking without expecting to be contradicted."

Alan Turing, 1950
Ocotillo Wells, California
February 8, 2023

J. J. Beckworth, the Chairman of Megalobe Industries, was disturbed, though years
of control prevented any outward display of his inner concern. He was not worried,
not afraid; just disturbed. He turned about in his chair to look at the spectacular desert
sunset. The red sky behind the San Ysidro mountain range to the west threw russet