"Jesse Harris - The Power - Aidan's FateUC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Harris Jesse)


Copyright © 1992 by Parachute Press Cover photograph copyright © 1992 by Andrew Moore

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright

Conventions. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf,

Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of

Canada Limited, Toronto. Distributed by Random House, Inc.,

New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Harris, Jesse.

Aidan's fete / by Jesse Harris. p. COL —(The Power ;bk.*5)

"Borzoi sprinters."

Summary: McKenzic's violent psychic visions expose a case of child abuse and spell doom for her boyfriend, Aidan.

ISBN 0-679-82268-2 (pbk.)

[1. Extrasensory perception—Fiction. 2. Child abuse—Fiction.) I. Title. H. Series: Harris, Jesse. Power ; bk. *5. PZ7.H2419A! 1992 [Fie]—dc20 91-40597

Rk4.7 First Borzoi Sprinter edition: Jury 1992

Manufactured in the United States of America 10 98765432 1


It's a dark, frozen night in the dead of winter. The street is deserted. Suddenly a car speeds by.

A handsome, teenage boy sits behind the wheel. He drives fast. As the car rushes past the streetlights they light up the inside of his car with a series of flashes. On, off, on, off, the flashes of light shine on the wheel. The teenager grips the wheel with one white-knuckled hand. The cuff of his shirt is bright red. On, off, on, off.

Snow begins to fall, lightly at first, then heavier and heavier. The boy flicks on the windshield wipers. They move at high speed, but the windshield jams up with snow anyway.

Tick tick tick tick . . . What's that sound? Is it the wipers?

No. It's something else. What?

The boy keeps his eyes on the road. His face is drawn, tense. He looks worried.

Tick tick tick tick . . .

Why doesn't he hear that sound? What is it?