"Edmond Hamilton - Pardon My Nerves" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hamilton Edmond)

because he's jealous of me. artificial being, they ran no danger of

creating another super-being like myself I left them and went to the tubeway
but instead chose the android form for station. It was a rush-hour and the tube-
Otho because they wanted to make sure he cars were crowded.
would have only a limited intelligence. I created a mild sensation in the station.
When Roger Newton and his young Naturally, everyone had heard of me and
wife died so tragically it was we Fu- of the things I had done, with the help of
turemen—Simon and Otho and I—who Curt and the others. I heard them
took care of little Curtis and reared him to whispering my name in the train.
mankind. However I was too engrossed in my
I have to admit that I taught Curt most own thoughts to pay attention to them.
of what he learned. Otho was too feather- The errand upon which I was going was a
headed to teach anyone and Simon too serious one.
severe and impatient. Of course they I hadn't told Curt about it lest he worry.
wouldn't let me spank Curtis, for my metal But the fact is that I was concerned about
hand would have crushed him. But I was my health.
his chief tutor and guide.
And when Curt grew up and started
roving, winning the nickname of Captain
Future, he naturally leaned more on me
than on the others. Many a time my
resourcefulness saved the day when his
recklessness had got us into trouble. In fact
I've seldom let him go anywhere without
But on the particular day when this
business of the Machs really started I was
on my own.
We had come to Earth so that Curt
Of course Otho would have laughed and
might consult a certain bureau of the Solar
sneered, “How can a metal man seven feet
System Government. That gave me a
high get sick ?”
chance I'd been waiting for and I took it.
But it wasn't bodily sickness that
I said, “I'd like to go into New York
worried me. My problem was a
while you're holding your conference here
psychological one.
at Government Center, Curt.”
I've always had a delicate, sensitive kind
He stared at me. “Whatever for, Grag ?”
of mind. I guess it's because my metal
“He probably wants to get his rivets
brain is just too brilliant. And lately I'd