"Barbara Hambly - Sun-Cross 1 - The Rainbow Abyss" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hambly Barbara)The Rainbow Abyss
v2.0 November 5, 2006 file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Hambly,%20Barbara%20-%2...Book%201]%20-%20The%20Rainbow%20Abyss%20v2.0.html (1 of 255)22-12-2006 20:43:55 The Rainbow Abyss file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Hambly,%20Barbara%20-%2...Book%201]%20-%20The%20Rainbow%20Abyss%20v2.0.html (2 of 255)22-12-2006 20:43:55 The Rainbow Abyss DEMONS OF THE NIGHT Rhion came awake from a deep sleep, sensing the grims outside. Then he heard a woman scream. He was on his feet and outside the inn into the freezing night almost before he could think. A second scream split the air. hummocks of the edge of the marsh, he could see a flickering, greenish light. There were hundreds of the demons, thick as flies above a summer midden—semitransparent skeletal forms with huge eyes and dangling feet. They were driving a woman on a horse toward the frozen sloughs, far out on the ice. As she turned, the noxious ur-light of the grims revealed the girl’s face. It was Tally, daughter of the Duke of Mere! Then the ice cracked beneath the horse, and it plunged, forehooves first, into the heaving brown water beneath! The Rainbow Abyss Book II of Sun-Cross Barbara Hambly file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Hambly,%20Barbara%20-%2...Book%201]%20-%20The%20Rainbow%20Abyss%20v2.0.html (3 of 255)22-12-2006 20:43:55 The Rainbow Abyss |