"Barbara Hambly - Sun Wolf 1 - The Ladies Of Mandrigyn" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hambly Barbara) file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Barbara%20Hambly%20-%20The%20Ladies%20Of%20Mandrigyn.txt
CHAPTER —1— w f YHAT HAT IN THE NAME OF THE COLD HELLS IS THIS?" SUN Wolf held the scrap of unfolded paper between stubby fingers that were still slightly stained with blood. Starhawk, his tall, rawboned second-in-command, glanced up from cleaning the grime of battle off the hilt of her sword and raised dark, level brows inquiringly. Outside, torchlight reddened the windy night. The camp was riotous with the noise of victory; the mercenaries of Wrynde and the troops of the City of Kedwyr were uninhibitedly celebrating the final breaking of the siege of Melplith. "What's it look like?" she asked reasonably. "It looks like a poxy proposition." He handed it to her, the amber light of the oil lamp overhead falling over his body, naked to the waist and glittering with a light curly rug of gold hair. thought it nothing more than a proposition, he would have put it in the fire without a word. Sun Wolf, Commander of the Mercenaries, Camp of Kedwyr below the walls of Melplith, from Sheera Galernas of Man-drigyn, greetings. I will be coming to you in your tent tonight with a matter of interest to you. For my sake and that of my cause, please be alone, and speak to no one of this. Sheera. "Woman's handwriting," Starhawk commented, and ran her thumb consideringly aiong the gilt edge of the expensive paper. Sun Wolf looked at her sharply from beneath his curiously 2 Barbara Hambly tufted brows. "If she wasn't from Mandrigyn, I'd say it was the local madam trying to drum up business." Starhawk nodded in absent-minded agreement. Outside the tent, the noise scaled up into a crescendo. Boozy catcalls mixed with cries of encouragement and yells of "Kill him! Kill the bastard!" Between the regular troops of the City of Kedwyr and the City's Outland Militia Levies, a lively hatred existed, perhaps stronger than the feeling that either body of warriors had toward the hapless citizen-soldiers of the besieged town of Melplith. It was a conflict that the Wolf and his mercenaries had stayed well clear of—the Wolf |