"Joe Haldeman - Camouflage" - читать интересную книгу автора (Haldeman Joe)


Joe Haldeman
An Ace Book
Published by The Berkley Publishing Group
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This book is an original publication of The Berkley Publishing Group.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are
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Copyright © 2004 by Joe Haldeman.
Text design by Tiffany Estreicher.
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First edition: August 2004
ISBN: 0-441-01161-6
This title has been registered with the Library of Congress.
10 9876 54321
For Ralph Vicinanza, faithful navigator

The author gratefully acknowledges the help of Chris
Nelson, our guide through the alien world of Samoa, and
Cordelia Willis, for her knowledge of forensic technology
and DNA matters.

The monster came from a swarm of stars that humans call
Messier 22, a globular cluster ten thousand light-years distant. A
million stars with ten million planets—all but one of them devoid
of significant life.
It's not a part of space where life could flourish. All of those
planets are in unstable orbits, the stars swinging so close to one
another that they steal planets, or pass them around, or eat them.
This makes for ferocious geological and climatic changes; most
of the planets are sterile billiard balls or massive Jovian gasbags.
But on the one world where life has managed a toehold, that life is