"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 3 - The God Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)


They come and they go.

There are Beings on the Street of Gods. More and less than human, they inspire
worship and adoration, fear and awe, and dreams of endless power. No one knows
who or what the Beings are. They existed before men built the Street of Gods, and
will exist long after the Street is nothing more than rubble and memories. Some
say the Beings are distillations of specific realities; abstract concepts given shape
and form by human fears or wishes, or simply by the times themselves. Others
claim they are simply supernatural creatures, intrusions from other planes of
existence. No one knows. They are real and unreal, both and neither. They are
Beings of Power, and the Street of Gods is theirs and theirs alone.

They come and they go.
Chapter One
Killer on The Loose
Winter had come early to the city port of Haven, ushered in on blustering winds
full of sleet and snow and bitter cold. Thick blankets of snow lay heavily across
the roofs and city walls, and hoarfrost pearled the brickwork. Down in the street,
the first of the day's pedestrian traffic struggled through the muddy slush, slipping
and sliding and cursing each other through numb lips. The cold wind cut through
the thickest furs, and frostbite gnawed savagely at exposed flesh. Winter had
come to Haven, and honed its cutting edge on the slow-moving and the infirm.

It was early in the morning, the sun little more than a bloody promise on the
starless night. The street lamps glowed bravely against the dark, islands of amber
light in an endless gloom. Ruddy lanterns hung from horses and carts, bobbing
like live coals on the night. And trudging through the cold and dark came Hawk
and Fisher, husband and wife and Captains in the city Guard. Somewhere up
ahead in the narrow streets and alleyways of the Northside lay a dead man. It
wasn't clear yet why he was dead. Apparently the investigating Constables were
still trying to find some of the pieces.

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Murder was nothing new in the Northside. Every city has a dark and cruel side to
its nature, and Haven was no different. Haven was a dark city, the rotten apple of
the Low Kingdoms, but murder and corruption flourished openly in the Northside,
fueled by greed and hate and bitter need. People died there every day for reasons
of passion, desperation, or business. Nevertheless, this latest in a line of bloody
murders had shocked even the hardened Northsiders. So the Guard sent in Hawk
and Fisher. There wasn't much that could shock them.