"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 1 - Hawk and Fisher" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R) Hawk nodded. "That'll bring out the crazies. Though how anyone has the energy
even to plan a crime in this heat is beyond me." "You do realize this is probably nothing more than a wild goose chase, don't you?" "Not again, Isobel, please. The word is he's hiding right here, at the end of this street. We have to check it out." "Three months," said Fisher angrily. "Three months we've been working on that child prostitution racket. And just when we're starting to get somewhere, what happens? The word comes down from Above, and we get pulled off the case to go looking for a vampire!" "Yeah," said Hawk. "And all because we raided the Nag's Head. Still, I'd do it again, if I had to." file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Si...20Fisher%2001%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher.html (3 of 193) [10/16/2004 3:24:04 PM] file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Simon%20R.%20Green%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher%2001%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher.html Fisher nodded grimly. The Nag's Head was a hole-in-the-wall tavern on Salt Lane, just on the boundary were interested in acquiring children. Cash in hand, no questions asked. Child prostitution had been illegal in Haven for almost seven years, but there were still those with a vested interest in keeping the market open. Like many other places, the Nag's Head kept itself in business by greasing the right palms, but one man had made the mistake of trying to buy off Hawk and Fisher. So they had paid the place a visit. The bravo at the door tried to bar their way. He was either new in town, or not particularly bright. Hawk gave him a straight-finger jab under the sternum. The bravo's face went very pale and he bent slowly forward, almost as though bowing to Hawk. Fisher waited till he was bent right over, and then rabbit-punched him. The bravo went down without a murmur. Hawk and Fisher stepped cautiously over him, kicked in the door, and burst into the Nag's Head with cold steel in their hands. The staff and patrons took one look at them and a sudden silence fell over the crowded room. Smoke curled on the stuffy air, and the watching eyes were bright with fear and suppressed anger. Hawk and Fisher headed for the stairs at the back of the dimly lit room, and a pathway opened up before them as people got hurriedly out of their way. Three bravos crowded together at the foot of the stairs with drawn swords. They were big, muscular men with cold, calculating eyes who knew how to use their swords. Hawk cut down two of them with his axe while Fisher stabbed the third cleanly through the heart. They stepped quickly over the bodies and pounded up the stairs. The upper floor was ominously quiet. |