"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 1 - Hawk and Fisher" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Simon%20R.%20Green%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher%2001%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher.html
Scanned by Highroller. Proofed by Morrigan. Made prettier by use of EBook Design Group Stylesheet. Hawk & Fisher by Simon R. Green Some things can never be forgiven. Chapter One A HIDDEN DARKNESS Haven is a dark city. The narrow streets huddled together, the plain stone and timber buildings leaning on each other for support. Out-leaning upper storeys bowed to each other like from the midsummer heat. The glaring sun scorched down on the sprawling city, driving all moisture from the air. The streets were parched and dusty and thick with buzzing flies. Being a seaport, Haven usually got all the rain it wanted, and then some, but not in midsummer. The long days wore on, and the baking heat made them a misery of sweat and thirst and endless fatigue. The days were too hot to work and the nights too hot to sleep. Tempers grew short and frayed, but it was too hot to brawl. Birds hung on the sky like drifting shadows, but there was file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Si...20Fisher%2001%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher.html (1 of 193) [10/16/2004 3:24:04 PM] file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Simon%20R.%20Green%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher%2001%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher.html never a trace of a cloud or a breeze. Haven at midsummer was a breeding ground for trouble. The heat stirred men's minds and brought forth hidden evils. Everyone watched the skies and prayed for rain, and still the long dry summer dragged on. Hawk and Fisher, Captains in the city Guard, strolled unhurriedly down Chandler Lane, deep in the rotten heart of the Northside. It was too hot to hurry. The grimy, overshadowed lane was a little cooler than most, which meant the heat was only mildly unbearable. Flies hovered over piles of garbage and swarmed around the open sewers. The squat and ugly buildings were black with soot from the nearby tannery, and the muggy air smelt strongly of smoke and tannin. |