"Sharon Green - Lady Blade, Lord Fighter" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Sharon) file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Sharon%20Green%20-%20Lady%20Blade,%20Lord%20Fighter.htm
Chapter 1 The snow and ice had degenerated to slush that wasn't re-freezing even after dark, but Timper still disliked riding through it over the cobbles of the city. Oncoming spring had much more pleasant signs in the south, ones which didn't make the streets slippery and unsafe even for a sure-footed mount, and the young courier wished he was back there. Despite the heavy woolen cloak over his clothing he was cold, but the dratted cold wasn't bad enough to distract him from his problems, only bad enough to be an additional burden. His problems remained just as clear in his mind as they had been. A part of which was having to plod up and down the streets of the northern city of Fyerlin, trying to find the one he was supposed to deliver his message to. The torches on the heavy stone buildings he passed laughed at him for his initial naivete in believing that that would be the simplest part of his commission, merely needing the time to reach the lady at her aunt's house. Since the skirmishing had already resumed, having no patience to await a proper spring and summer due to the presence of so many Sword Companies, where else would the daughter of a Duke be found but safely beside her aunt? The Countess herself had a strong, competent House Guard, well-armed and able to repel attempted incursions during that time of war and unrest, so where else would her niece be but— With one of those Sword Companies. After the death of the Duchess, the Duke had sent his eldest daughter to live SHaron Green with his sister-in-law, the Countess Illi of Fyerlin, intending to see his child raised with all the necessary graces taught her, graces the ladies of his own house seemed unable to impart to her. The child had been about eleven at the time, and the Countess was well known for her no-nonsense attitudes and iron determination. The strong-willed child would be given no recourse save to obey her and learn the womanly virtues. . . . This time Timper shivered into his cloak, bewildered as to what might have gone wrong. The lady, now a woman, was not to be found sitting demurely beside her aunt, a fact which Timper was prepared to swear pleased the Countess! When he had politely requested an audience with the lady, he had been settled in a chair, handed a glass of sherry, and then gently told that the lady wasn't there. If it was truly imperative that he see her, her whereabouts might be gotten from the Company clerk of the Silver Gleaming, one of the Sword Companies camped and billeted in and around Fyerlin. How she had gotten involved with one of the Blades of a Sword Company no one seemed prepared to discuss, but Timper prayed he wasn't too late. It was hardly likely that her virginity was still intact, not if she had been in the company of a Blade for longer than five minutes, but that was the Duke's concern and the concern of the lady's future husband. His was that he be spared the necessity of having to bring her home already married—or, worse yet, file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Sha...reen%20-%20Lady%20Blade,%20Lord%20Fighter.htm (1 of 295) [10/18/2004 3:25:44 PM] file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Sharon%20Green%20-%20Lady%20Blade,%20Lord%20Fighter.htm |