"Steven Gould - Wildside" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gould Stephen Jay)

"Exactly—you get different training. Don't sweat it—you'll also get an IFR ticket out of it, trust

Joey was scowling. "Don't we have any say in this? You just enroll us? What if we don't want to
learn to fly?"

I was stunned. The thought had never occurred to me. How could they not want to fly? It was
like not wanting to breathe. "Uh, well, what do you want? Wouldn't you like to fly? The instruction
and flight time cost over eight grand for each of you. Lots of people would jump at it."

Joey blinked. "For eight grand I could go to college."

"It's peanuts, Joey. You'll get lots more if you do it my way. But I need the pilots. I thought you
liked the idea of flying."
He shrugged.

Clara broke in. "Well I'd like to do it. I've always wanted to learn to fly. Two things, though.
What's an IFR ticket, and who's gonna take care of Impossible and pay for his stable and feed?"

Marie told her. "IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules—it means you can fly in limited visibility,
on instruments."

I nodded. "Also, as of Monday, we're all on salary. Five hundred a week to start—will that
cover Impossible?"

"It sure will!"

"What about you, Rick?"

He was smiling. "I'm with Clara."

I turned back to Joey. "Well, Joey?"


I didn't say anything.

"Why the flying? What's it for? Sure, I'd love to team to fly. I've been crazy about planes for
years—you've seen my radio control models—but why do you want to pay for it? What are we going
to do that requires five pilots? Start an airline?"

I looked down at the porch and said, "I can't tell you. Not yet."

"Can't or won't?"

I looked him in the eye. "Won't."

"What if we won't do it? What if we wash out of flight school? Why should you spend the
money if it isn't going to do what you want?"