"Ron Goulart - The Wicked Cyborg" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goulart Ron)

Ron Goulart - The Wicked Cyborg

The Wicked Cyborg
Ron Goulart

Copyright © 1978, By Ron Goulart.

Chapter 1

The false arm was silver plated and highly polished. It flashed and
sparkled, creaking very slightly, as the half-man raised the tinted
monocle to his real eye. "Ah, you look very much like him," he
said. His thin lips didn't move, the voice came from elsewhere.
"Yes, very much like my poor long-dead cousin. And now your
bright lovely mother is dead, too."
"Yes, sir," said Tad Rhymer. He was tall, lean, dark-haired. He had
turned eighteen the week his mother died. That was a long way
from here, on another planet. A long journey through space away.
"Did she suffer much?" asked Joshua Rhymer. When he sighed Tad
decided the speaker box was implanted in his cousin's chest—
beneath the fluffy lace of his neosilk tunic, probably.
"I suppose she did, yes." His cyborg cousin's appearance was not
particularly pleasant to him. Tad turned toward the oval windows of

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Ron Goulart - The Wicked Cyborg

the enormous, chill drawing room. Snow was still falling across the
blackness of the night.
Another metallic sigh. "Tragic, very unfortunate," said Joshua, who
was, the human remains of him anyway, fifty-four years old. "It
might, you'll excuse my pointing out, have been avoided. We, my
exceptional sister and I, long ago suggested to your mother that she
come here to this planet Esmeralda to live. We several times invited
the both of you to make the move, to share one of our estates. We
have three in this territory alone, you know."
"I know." His mother had told him a lot about these cousins of his.
Tad knew the reasons why she would never accept any of their
offers. "My mother preferred living on Barnum, on her home
Joshua scratched at the metal portion of his skull with the fingers of
his real hand, producing a hollow grating sound. "Rhymer
Industries, as you're surely aware, has branches on all the planets in