"Ron Goulart - Shaggy Planet" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goulart Ron)

Torres turned to watch the slim red-haired girl, who was dancing
now with one of the associate ambassadors from the planet Barnum.
"Have they raised the fee they pay free-lance agents?"
"We're offering an extra thousand because you may have to go into
the jungle."
"Which jungle?"
"Is there more than one? I don't know too much about Peluda
Territory. They didn't provide me much local input. I'm mostly

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stuffed with dance tapes."
Torres steepled his fingers under his prominent chin. "Six thousand,
"And a wardrobe allowance," said the blonde robot, "in case you
have to buy sun hats and things for the jungle."
"Where is he?"
"Parked behind the embassy. Up just off the bridle path."
"Okay, I'll go talk to him."
The head of the Ruling Junta, old Janeiro Frambosa himself, came
up and asked the robot to dance. She accepted and they waltzed
away from Torres.
Peggy Freed, the red-haired girl, was waltzing, too, with another
associate ambassador. Torres made a back-soon motion at her and
she smiled as she dipped in his direction.
Moving across the short gray grass, Torres spotted three small
yellow ovals floating in the darkness of the Barnum Embassy
grounds. These grew to windows as he approached closer to the
parked landcar. Torres crunched across the synthetic cinders of the
wide riding path and tapped on the passenger door of the long, night-
black car. The door swung open and he hunched inside with, "Six
thousand you're offering?"
"I told her to offer that only if you were hard to persuade," said the
compact computer built into the back section of the big automatic
landcar. "Were you?"
"Yes." Torres dropped down into a nearleather seat opposite the
computer. "I'm on vacation. I'm involved with a girl."
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"I know. Peggy Freed. Age 23. Home planet Barnum," said the
computer. "Height five feet, seven inches, weight one hundred ten
pounds. That's sort of skinny, isn't it? Employed by the Barnum
News Synd as a reporter and documentary producer for the past
nineteen months. What's she doing on Murdstone, Peter?"
"She's about to start on some assignment or other. Until then she's