"Kathleen Ann Goonan - Nanotech 04 - Light Music" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goose Mother)learn that eventually. Especially because we got some of the
communion stuff before it ran out. She is very strong and goes walking around in the mountains a lot by herself. I think that when she goes for those walks, for weeks at a time, carrying a pack and heading out toward James Mountain, she is looking for the Nows, and for the things made of light that are stuffed full of Nows. I think that they are so stuffed full of Nows that they leaked Nows into her when she touched them. And fried her brain, too, maybe, like Dad says. Because once I asked her what she does in the mountains and she said, “I look for a good place to jump.” She calls them light-beings, and they lived in the Republic of Texas. All kinds of strange things go on there. Everybody knows that if you head into the Republic of Texas, anything can happen. That’s why we all stay here in Colorado. Anyway, they were very bright, and told her all about many things when she touched them. Even though they didn’t talk in words but in pictures and in sounds. That’s when she learned that time is made of Nows. Nows are like the points on the diagram she drew. They have something to do with superstrings that are vibrating really, really fast, and that are really, really small. Like beads that fill up a room when there are a million of them are made up of trillions of things themselves. It’s hard to picture this, but Mom says it’s true, and that a lot of things that Dania says are true, but just hard for most people to understand. Everything we see and feel and hear is which is when you slide your voice up and down. It’s what makes everything so beautiful, like the shapes of the mountains, the colors of flowers, the sounds of the birds singing. One summer day I went to Dania’s house and she was drinking gin out of a big clear bottle, and that day she told me about cities with flowers on tops of the buildings where things that looked like giant bees flew around, and that helped everybody communicate. She had a photograph of one, and it was old and faded and the things she was calling bees were just black dots in the sky like gnats. I told her and she laughed and said it was true. But that there were other kinds of cities in the world, cities of light and cities that were giant antennae, and then she said that she was supposed to be doing some work here but she was so tired and sometimes it didn’t even seem true any more. She said that it was entirely possible that she was just a holy fool and that she was sorry for everything, that I had to remember that she was sorry for everything that she had done because it would affect my children too and finally it was hard to understand her and she told me I’d better go home. I did, but I went back later that evening and was going to visit, but through the open window I saw that she was sitting in a chair in her living room crying and I decided not to. Next to her was a tiny old radio that she keeps and it was just hissing away. In the summer nights I hear her turn it on, because my bedroom window |