"Stephen Goldin - The Sword Unswayed" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goldin Stephen)

Relieved to be on neutral ground, Rabinowitz related the story of her encounter on Jenithar and the
subsequent events. She was just finishing the narrative when Detective Hoy rang the front bell.

William Hoy looked more his normal self now, impeccably dressed in an expensive suit, his hair neatly
combed, his manner unflappable. Rabinowitz escorted him into the living room and introduced him to
Bian Dinh. Hoy seemed definitely on top of himself, alone with two beautiful women.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Dinh," he said. "I hope you don't mind my skipping the small talk, but the hour is
unusual. Ms. Rabinowitz tells me you found a murder victim on a planet called K'tolu'tan. Was this
someone you knew, or a stranger?"

Dinh sat at an angle to him, not looking at him directly. "His name is . . .was P'tar'houn-Hoc. I had met
and talked with him several times before."

"How many is several?"

"Eight or nine, I think. I never counted. Why, is it important?"

"In my business, you never know. We can count later. What was your relationship with him?"

"Business. I am a writer, he was a publisher. He was commissioning a book from me."
Hoy glanced over at Rabinowitz. "Is Ms. Rabinowitz your broker?"

"No," Rabinowitz said quickly. "I didn't even know about it until she came here looking for help."

"I see. How did you happen to find --" His tongue struggled hopelessly with the name. "This person's

"I teeped to K'tolu'tan, then hired an automatic cab to take me to his house."

"Was he expecting you?"

"Yes, I phoned him in advance. He told me to come."

"Was he dead when you got there?"

Dinh closed her eyes and looked away. "Yes."

"Did he live alone?"

"No, he had a wife and children."

"They let you into the house, then?"

Dinh hesitated. "I did not go into the main house. He told me he would be in a small private building
behind the main house, where I have met him before. I went there."

"Did anyone see you?"

"I don't know. I made no attempt to hide myself. I had no reason to."