"Stephen Goldin - The Last Ghost & Other Stories" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goldin Stephen)

The Last Ghost & Other Stories
Stephen Goldin

ISBN 0-7592-1676-2

Author Biography
Stephen Goldin graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Astronomy. He worked in collaboration with his
first wife, Kathleen Sky, to write the highly successful nonfiction book, THE BUSINESS OF BEING A
WRITER. He and his current wife, Mary Mason, have worked together on the REHUMANIZATION
OF JADE DARCY series. Mr. Goldin was the editor of the SFWA Bulletin for three years and was the
SFWA's Western Regional Director for another three years. He began his writing career as writer/editor
for a pornographic humor paper, the San Francisco Ball. In retrospect, this was a great crucible; because
of deadline pressure, he had to learn to make his writing dirt} 7 and funny in one draft.For Mary,
Kathleen, and all the "girls" who've made my life an adventure

Part 1
Ghosts, Girls and Other Phantasms
Sweet Dreams, Melissa
The Girls on USSF 193
Nice Place to Visit
When There's No Man Around
Grim Fairy Tale
Of Love, Free Will and Gray Squirrels on a Summer Evening
But as a Soldier, for His Country
The World Where Wishes Worked
Apollyon ex Machina
Prelude to a Symphony of Unborn Shouts
Portrait of the Artist as a Young God
The Last Ghost
Haunted Houses

Part 2
The Angel In Black

For Service Rendered
Bride of the Wind
The Chenoo
The Masai Witch
In the Land of Angra Mainyu

Stops Along the Way