"Stephen Goldin - Scavenger Hunt" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goldin Stephen)

Jusser shrugged. "The only thing I've wanted that I've never had is you,
my dear, and now that I've made up my mind on that, it's only a matter of
time. Why should you waste your energy fighting me?"

As they had talked, he had been leading her towards the center of the
hall. Just as they reached it, the orchestra began playing. "Would you care
to join me in the Zolthen?" Jusser asked before Tyla had a chance to frame
a reply to his previous question.

Tyla hesitated for just a fraction of a second. The Zolthen was an
elaborately choreographed dance. It had been invented by a bored Society
as another meaningless way of passing the time. The moves were
excruciatingly stylized and, once begun, the dance did not end or repeat a
step for half an hour. To perform it correctly was an art that only the
cream of Society could muster. Tyla was reluctant to begin something that
couldn't be finished quickly; the rules of courtesy would make her Jusser's
prisoner for the duration of the dance.

But her second of hesitation was all Jusser needed. He took her silence
as consent and swept her up into his arms in time to the music. It had
been a smooth ambush and timed perfectly. Now she was stuck, for to
break step was considered an extreme insult.

"I suppose you're here to watch the start of the Scavenger Hunt," Jusser
said as he whirled her gently around him.

"In a manner of speaking, yes." She took her cue from the music,
backed one step away from him while holding his left hand in her right
and ducked under his arm to come up behind him.

"I'll expect you to be down at the Hermes to see me off." He let go of her
hand with his left, took her other hand with his right and spun once more
to face her.

"I'm afraid that will be somewhat difficult," she said, stepping up close
to him and slipping her free arm loosely around his waist. Together they
moved three steps to Jusser's right. "I'm going to be aboard the Honey B
at the time."

"Your brother's ship? Is he in the Hunt?" Jusser pushed her gently away
from him and she did a slow pirouette.

"Yes, he was a last minute entry." She waited the required beat, then
leapt into the air and came down on one leg. Her partner took her free leg,
knelt, and slipped it over his shoulder. Then, grabbing an outstretched
hand, he lifted her into the air.

"Wouldn't you prefer to be with a winner?"