"Stephen Golden - Last Ghost" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goldin Stephen)


So she did. She told him about her earliest life, when she had had a body,
and about the things she had done and the children she had had. She
spoke of the mind-transferral breakthrough that had finally enabled Man
to conquer Death. She told him about the first thousand or so years she
had spent in the computer bank when, exhilarated by the thrill of
immortality, she had occupied animated robot bodies and engaged in
"Death-defying" sports and exciting activities. And she related how even
this had paled with time, and how she had passed into the current,
mature phase of her life, the search for knowledge and wisdom. She told
how ships had been built to take these computerized people to the stars,
and what strange and wonderful things they had found there.

He listened. Most of it was incomprehensible to him, for the

words were either unfamiliar or forgotten. His sievelike mind retained
very little of what she said. But he listened, and that was important. He
soaked in the experience, the thrill, of another

pseudobeing communicating with him. -

At last she paused, unable to think of anything else to say. "Would you
like to talk now?" she asked.

Something burned within him. "Yes."

"Good," she said. "What would you like to talk about?"

He tried hard to think of something, anything, but once again his brain
failed him.

She sensed his difficulty. "Tell me something about yourself," she

"I am dead."

"Yes, I know that. But what else?"

He thought. What was "himself" that he could tell something about?

"I search for
"I want a
"I desire some

"I love to . . ." `

"What, what, what, what?" she insisted. But there was no answer.
Frustrated, she continued. "Let's try something else. Does