"David Gerrold - The Trouble with Tribbles - The birth, sale, and final production of one episode" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gerrold David)

The Voyage of the Star Wolf

The Middle of Nowhere

Blood and Fire

The War Against the Chtorr Series

The Dingilliad Trilogy

The Man Who Folded Himself

The Flying Sorcerers (with Larry Niven)

When HARLIE Was One

The Martian Child


The World of Star Trek

The Trouble With Tribbles

Worlds of Wonder
The Tr ou b le Wi th T rib bl es
t h e bi rt h , sa l e , a n d f i n a l p r o d u c t i on o f o n e e pisod e

Davi d Gerrold
A Word to the Fore—
This book is the story of a television script, where it came from,
how it was written, how it was eventually filmed and finally got
onto the air as an episode of STAR TREK.
It’s a peek into the techniques of writing for television, and
it’s a piece of lore about a popular TV show. But more than that,
it’s the story of how I began my career as a writer. And what I
learned in the process.