"David Gemmell - Stones Of Power 5 - Shannow 3 - Bloodstone" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gemmel David)

He rode slowly towards the charred remains of the little' church, the stallion meekly
following his bay mare. Beth McAdam was standing with her hands on her ample hips,
staring out towards the Wall. Her blonde hair was braided at the back, but a part of the
braid had come loose and was fluttering in the wind at her cheek. She turned at the sound
of the approaching horse and gazed up at Nestor, her face expressionless. He dismounted
and removed his hat.
'I found the raiders,' he said. They was all dead.'
'I expected that,' she said. 'Where is the Preacher?'
'No sign of him. His horse headed east and I caught up with it; there was blood on the
saddle. I backtracked and found signs of wolves and bears, but I couldn't find him.'
'He is not dead, Nestor,' she said. 'I would know. I would feel it here,' she told him,
hitting her chest with a clenched fist.
'How did he manage to kill five men? They were all armed. All killers. I mean, I never
saw the Preacher ever carry a gun.'
'Five men, you say?' she replied, ignoring the question. 'There were more than twenty
surrounding the church according to those who saw the massacre. But then I expect there
were some from our own . . . loving . . . community.'
Nestor had no wish to become involved in the dispute. Wolvers in a church was hardly
decent anyhow, and it was no surprise to the youngster that tempers had flared. Even so,
if the Crusaders hadn't been called out to a brigand raid on Shem Jackson's farm there
would have been no violence.
'Anything more you want me to do, Mrs McAdam?'
She shook her head. 'It was plain murder,' she said. 'Nothing short.'
'You can't murder Wolvers,' said Nestor, without thinking. 'I mean they ain't human, are
they? They're animals.'
Anger shone in Beth's eyes, but she merely sniffed and turned aside.
‘Thank you, Nestor, for your help. But I expect you have chores to do and I'll not keep
you from them.'
Relieved, he turned away and remounted. 'What do you want me to do with this stallion?'
he called.
'Give it to the Crusaders. It wasn't ours and I don't want it.'
Nestor rode away to the stone-built barracks at the south of town, dismounting and
hitching both horses to the rail outside. The door was open and Captain Leon Evans was
sitting at a rough-built desk.
'Good morning, sir,' said Nestor.
Evans looked up and grinned. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with an easy smile.
'Still looking to sign up, boy?'
'Yes, sir.'
'Been reading your Bible?'
'I have, sir. Every day.'
‘I’ll put you in for the test on the first of next month. If you pass I'll make you a cadet.'
'I'll pass, sir. I promise.'
'You're a good lad, Nestor. I see you found the stallion. Any sign of the Preacher?'
'No, sir. But he killed five of the raiders.'
The smile faded from Captain Evans's face. 'Did he, by God?' He shook his head. 'As
they say, you can't judge a man by the coat he wears. Did you recognise any of the dead
'Not a one, sir. But three of them had their faces shot away. Looks like he just rode down
the hill and blasted 'em to Hell and gone. Five men!'
'Six,' said the Captain. 'I was checking the church this morning, there was a corpse there.